If you liked what you have seen before, this year is gonna be even BETTER.

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2024-04-15 13:25:05

happy new year happy twenty twenty four
this is gonna be a big year this is the grind year
nowadays all twenty twenty four let's get after it and reach our goals
we're excited lot of new things coming to the page this year
one to bunch of talks with
college and pro coaches that are going to give you the information straight from the horse's mouth so you're not here hearing it from me you're hearing it from them and what they're really saying
and you can take that for what it's worth
tomorrow night
january third ten pm are coming back with our weekly talks
and i'm talking about the coaches ah
the coaches talk in the in the vs coaches tell kids and
how to get value
when coaches are using you so
that's what we're going and talking about tomorrow join us cannot wait to see like i said happy twenty twenty four
but we're taken it into gear right away let's go