You need to wake up and realize what is truly happening right now.

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2024-04-15 08:15:17

you're a man with any level of testosterone level
and you've been witnessing what's been happening in the world in the last two years
i struggled to sleep at night
like literally what's happening is fucking crazy
and i'm struggling to sleep and i'm i'm i'm an individual with
fifty million dollars who can hide and disappear
if i was joe schmo
i'd be i'd be scared you're out here they're lying to you about the inflation rate you're you're not getting a pay rise like what roger panic
people are not panicking they lacked persie capacity without paying attention to anything google perspicacity it's the ability to be perceptive
and and they're not paying attention to anything and they're just sitting there waiting for the fucking steam roller you think ten years from now things are gonna be better
but without you out your fucking mind
you need to prepare for this and the whole idea of prepping in the old traditional fet sense of buying of food nine in the forest in the cabin in the woods i ain't gonna work either you need a global network you the secret society new places you can hide you need money and you need the ability to bounce
that's what you need that's what i have
but i don't know how fucking joe schmo is even functioning society since i would be i'd be furious
but like what the fuck you tell me a place at seven percent that's a lie