for what reason do they need to be hanging out by themselves it's inappropriate especially if you feel like he's attractive i feel like it's such a high school thing to like hang out with a girl that doesn't like you and now she's your best friend but you like her and if she ever gave you the time of day you would go for it but when you're in an age where relationships are actually going to potentially be your lifelong partner then i do not see how your best friend is so important to your life that you need to be hanging out with them alone your girl should be your best friend
you're literally going to spend most of your day and most of your life with this person who should consider them your best friend it should be very easy to be like hey find you're being disrespectful in this situation if you are in a relationship with someone who's going to be the forever rest of your life that's your priority i don't care if you can't prioritize that that's not your person why are we talking about situations like this we always say oh it's individual but some things are just non negotiable if you're dealing with something like that that you're being disrespected on a consistent basis same thing with a guy liking other girls pictures
shouldn't be doing that