take a look at this image
this is the largest land dwelling animal the african elephant now look at this image this is the world's largest aquatic creature the blue whale
whose size makes the african elephant's tusks only equivalent why the blue whale just take a look at this giant jellyfish it may be hard to believe but it is as large as ten elephants and this creature is equivalent to four elephants another fish to consider as it's length all these marine creatures are much larger than land dwelling beings the sea where the beings live must be providing some advantages that terrestrial beings perhaps do not receive
according to research genes are responsible for the growth of land dwelling beings on one side in marine beings a total of four genes were combined
however in terrestrial beings only two genes were combined
the more genes combined the more growth there will be besides i also believe there is another reason
as you know compared to land the sea produces more oxygen one hundred and fifty million years ago earth's oxygen level was thirty percent
and now it's only twenty one percent just compare the two
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