what is my ideal match somebody who gives you space yeah but reassurance at the same time so she allows you to go do your own thing but she reminds you she's still nobody and she's still going to be there and she's still going to come back
so whereas the super clingy wine won't give you the space and the super independent one won't give you the reassurance
so you need somebody who's in-between
and how you get those you look at her childhood if she's got secure family environment what happens is she recognizes that people can go away but they'll come back she trusts them
but if she's got the chaos she thinks if you go away she's gonna be
yeah so i need to find a girl who's
got good childhood in charla and i don't find out just ask i was always ask him just ask you can make so much difference a huge difference if people also don't realize the impact they would save themselves a lot of trauma and you don't think people change i think you don't need to change you need to accept i think why should we change people