Let’s help those who can’t help themselves. #humanrights #humantrafficking
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2024-03-31 08:59:43

an average human slaves cells for button ninety eight dollars today just wrap your mind around that these are five facts by human trafficking and that will change your perspective about this world there's about twenty to forty million people in slave right now due to human trafficking the trafficking industry generates about one hundred fifty billion dollars a year globally it is the second largest crime industry in the world it just passed armstrong and is making it's way up to the drug industry more slaves have existed now than any other time in human history if you take all the slaves that have existed in human history even when it was legal and added them all up it would still be less than there is today there are literally human farms women are being as say an impregnated so they could harvest the organs or babies children of this earth are not for sale the first step in stopping human trafficking is to spread awareness so with this account i'm going to be doing just
join me and let's speak up for the voices i can't