Alive time vs dead time, how do you use your time?

#robertgreene #time #wisdom
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2024-02-21 17:13:22

and the worst job that you're in if i guys gotten depressed and sad and down on myself that is dead time i'm working for this man who's paying me my time is his time he owns me
during those eight hours and i met his office it's dead i'm a dead person it's like grass that has turned brown inside right it's not been watered but if i'm trying to switch and i go i'm learning i'm learning about human nature i'm learning about the ugliness in people's souls and learning about the ugliness in my own soul i'm learning about what i never ever want to do in life i'm learning about how i'm going to have to quit this job very soon it's alive time it's green it's like it's watering it's turning greener ingredient greener and greener because i'm using it for some purpose i'm learning everything is an example for learning even flipping burgers at mcdonalds you're learning about human nature you're learning about yourself so it becomes your time you own it you're not working for somebody else you're enriching yourself you own it is your time and it's alive