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Avatar of dar_ooj.ir


2024-02-21 17:10:39

play to win and don't play to avoid loss because the things you fear the things that's going to happen to
set that target on some positive reward for it expected
by benighted indiana university says the will to win is nothing
without the will to prepare
the way everybody wants to win but are you willing to prepare to win one of the major points out often make yours what you do off the job determines how far you go
on the job every athlete every actor every singer every entertainer knows that
most doctors and attorneys and professionals know band
pacific example
in the typical american plant the hourly wage earner watches thirty hours of tv a week
person in charge of the line was twenty five hours of television a week
for men watches twenty hours a week
and superintendent watches fifteen hours the vice president watches between twelve and fifteen
the president watches between eight and twelve and the chairman of the board watches between four and eight hours of tv and fifty percent of that time he or she is watching training videos out my question is what would happen to that land worker who watches thirty hours a week
if he were to take away ten of those hours a week
and study
and plan and prepare
i guarantee you will stay on the land very long