psychology of love
if you love someone for their looks it's obsession if you love someone for their kindness it's admiration if you love someone for their money it's interest if you love someone because they love you it's empathy if you love someone despite their flaws it's true acceptance if you love someone through thick and thin it's genuine commitment
if you love someone for their mind and intellect it's intellectual attraction if you love someone deeply
even when you're apart it's emotional connection
if you love someone and prioritize their happiness over your own
itself looseness if you love someone for the way they make you laugh it's humor based affection if you love someone for the shared experiences and memories
it's nostalgia driven love
if you love someone because they understand you on a profound level it's a deep emotional connection
if you love someone unconditionally flaws and all it's pure unconditional love
if you're confused why you love this person it's definitely love