It just kept getting better and better.🤣 He just did not know what to think. Thank you to my MIL @terribeeler for letting me borrow her purse and wallet for this prank!!
Couples, couple comedy, prank, funny, pranks, wife, husband, married life, relationships #couples #prank #funny #couplecomedy #marriagememes #relationships #wifehumor
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2024-03-31 22:15:11

yeah i don't have to put a name tag all right well i guess you still do
this is from you you love me louis
i tell ya to our masks which is
you got this
don't know what the facts say that's why
three thousand dollars
i really can't believe you spent this much money
and this surprises me
when did you get this
the other day
i don't know
very crispy
this special
yeah where the hell to comfort
you buy like stuff
i'm not gonna spend this kind of money on myself
guys so
she can