WOKE Barber VS Ethnics // @joeyfadel_ @culture.barbershop #haircut #barber #woke #comedy #barbershop #hair
Avatar of jonbernardk


2024-04-01 02:45:21

yeah is it okay if i touch it yeah okay cool okay if they touch you
go right ahead before you get started to mummify touchy pelosi obama fuckin here do you mind if i touch you
a serious brush caught my
cool if i touch you yeah something cool that's usually just customary allows the person to fight touch and just call it cause and what were your pronouns she say she's a two k
was he him she her and what your pronouns are you fucking serious or just come over here what are your pronouns they them she
i exchanged those yes and what are your pronouns with some broaden do that shit i don't fucking touch me don't already fuck off