As of today HMRC will be receiving information from Vinted, ainrbnb and eBay.

Make sure you are declaring things properly to avoid penalties and interest.

#hmrc #sidehustle #tax #taxnews #vinted #airbnb #taxreturn #money #finance #mitchthetaxman
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2024-04-02 00:46:24

as of today fainted
e bay
air bnb will be sharing information about your earnings to h m r c
and this is what's going to happen
they will send all the data to h masih and that will go into a survey
and that data will match up against your name
and any details h mossy have about you and your earnings
if you haven't submitted to self assessment tax return declaring your earnings then there will be an anomaly and a gap
the system will then issue what's called a one too many letter
and it will say something like their ex
we are embassy of information where you may have received earnings from an online platform
can you confirm your details are correct and what your earnings are
and that is how h mossy will stop issuing investigations as doc collecting taxes on those earnings
is very important that you stop complying so if you have earnings above a thousand pounds
you start submitting a self assessment tax return declaring the income and expenses and pay in tax accordingly otherwise they'd be heavy penalties to pay not only