let them talk…

forget the haters, the self doubt, the uncertainty and the unpredictable.

know your worth and keep going!

your gonna go through highs and lows, it’s all apart of the process. it’s how you navigate through the storm to get where you deserve to be.

i’m not saying i’ve made it, because honestly speaking i’m no where near where i want to be. but i do know that i’ve been growing and this is only the beginning.

if i listened to the bullies in photography class back in high school, i wouldn’t even be posting this video today. you’ve just gotta believe in yourself and trust the process🤝

thank you @kennygfilms for creating this sound and sending it my way! It meant the world to me when I received that text🙏🏻

#videography #videographer #keepgoing #passion #inspiration #filmmaking #film #photographer #photography #motivation #losangeles #denvercolorado #columbus #columbusohio #trustgod
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2024-03-15 00:45:23

you need to get a real job
that's just a hop anyone was hurtful and can shoot videos these days why not make a career with more stability you're just pressing a record button is a very competitive field
or your little business goals you're not going to make any more although a
lot of