20 Year Old Makes $130,000 in THREE Days! Started with 5k… Ali Trades @pipndipfx
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2024-02-21 17:10:19

i put five in an account
just in a personal account it's like let's see what i can do
first-day five k seventeen k
second day
seventeen k forty
forty k one hundred k come on three days
sheesh i flipped five k one hundred thirty one k
in front of my boy within three days three years ago you couldn't even afford
a one like how much is two hundred dollars subscription yeah like how did you get to this point right off the bat
i had one hundred k funding smash thirty k to
wow first day sheesh yeah he wasn't playing now you came ready yeah
thirty k de boom let the account sit we drew
up next
i got like two more accounts twenty three k twenty three kids
on what is six canada
hell no we're not done
jobs are finished we just got started growing it on
this journey at twenty years old
how is this your life now
i'm telling you i had the craziest months of my life where
finally like everything i had dreamed of before like anything i wanted i purchased
any anything i could imagine anywhere i wanted to go
out to any anywhere i wanted to eat i want to go eat it yeah anyone who wanted to take out i took out like
it it was just so easy
i got to the point where i realised like
none of it was fulfilling
that's powerful
i don't know how to take no for an answer
so when i hear oh you can't do this