The process of manifestation is to match your vibration to your desired frequency. This process is more of removing what's not a match and Removing the weight that is pulling us down and we will naturally, effortlessly rise.

Speaker: @adam.roa
Via: @knowthyself podcast with @andreduqum

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2024-03-31 17:59:59

manifested a million dollars basically overnight
five days five days yeah
few people ask the really important question how did you become a match to that really was me facing off with all of my beliefs insecurities fears around money and abundance and understanding the energetics of money and what it really is and the process of manifestation because there is a process to it and becoming a match to it is more a process of removing what's not a match than it is about adding anything else we are like corks and water and we will naturally rise but we have things that tie us down and hold us back and when we can cut those loose we will naturally effervescent lee arise to the surface all of the things that we want to love the abundance financially all of that can come when we release the stuff that's in the way