Who else is questioning the productivity narrative they grew up with? What do you think of this guru's ideas? I've heard (and said) that my best work comes under pressure.... but what if that isn't my best work? What if joy and love can unlock potential I never realized I have? What if we didn't all have to grind it out in unfulfilling jobs believing working hard is the prerequisite to being able to live our dream lives? This past year, learning to homestead and mother has been the hardest work of my life. But those aren't the words I would use to describe it first. Happy. Fulfilling. Inspiring. Motivated. Wild. Incredible. All those come to mind first, followed by the absolute fact that it is an exertion of effort. That isn't and perhaps shouldn't be the focus. As if we have to work "hard" to be worthy or to prove we aren't lazy. Ease is okay. Love and joy give us the energy we need. 🤔

#homestead #farmlife #philosophy #grind #hardwork #joy #love #happiness
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2024-04-09 00:53:13

this is a serious mistake a whole generations of people have done
that if you study how should you study hard
you must study harder
if you work how should you work you must work hard
why didn't they tell you you must study joyfully
wherein they tell you you must work lovingly
no humans do everything hard
and then you complain
you complain about everything in life because you're doing everything hard
there is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show you
only when you're in pleasant states of experience does your body and your brain work at their best