Conflict at extremes can lead to devastating, tragic consequences and causes emotional and physical stress. But it is not right to treat every conflict as such a destructive behavior. If managed well, positive results can be obtained from conflict..
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2024-04-15 03:03:05

is it good or bad for a relationship to have a fight from time to time
oh it's a must
every day
but it's but even if it's every day
the question is not so much
to fighting the question is really to repair i think relationships follow a cycle of harmony disharmony and repair when people fight about the same stuff
what they're fighting about is not the town of the bathroom other who takes care of whack or who takes the children every day or who is always late what they're fighting about are actually three key groups of themes that are underneath those plotlines which is
power and control
closeness and care
and respect and recognition