and like i said i'm going speak to the men male experience
like ah that's what i tell men
and women can do this to the five habits man habit number one
is reading habit number two is fasting habit number three is building habit number four is networking habit number five
is breathing so habit number one
is reading and i call the five mentor rule you use books to find mentors who are dead and then so you can have a couple of books
that you use as mentors but you need two or three mentors that are in person you you've got to shadow success
you can reinvent the wheel than number two
for physical health and discipline five-hour rule fasting don't eat
took the first three hours when you wake up intermittent fasten then don't eat two hours before you go to bed that'll train it's not just for the physical it's also for the mind you must be able to control your appetites you know
number three building building wealth best-of-five assets i'm talking about