Enjoy this clip of my training from my 15th annual New Year’s Day live! I want you all to start 2024 with intention and good faith to grow and succeed ❤️

Drop a comment below with your 2024 goals! 👇
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2024-04-15 02:34:20

i'm even know a lot of people with goals they got no energy
i know a lot of people have goals and then new drive the issue is many people place the goals at the wrong place
and the goals that they're writing
have no architecture
in their own philosophy of living
and so each day they're kind of looking at their goals
and they don't feel any drive
your drive every day
should shock people
it really should he was like oh my gosh she's so ambitious
no she's just not scared
oh my gosh you get so much done no i just don't distract myself because i don't want to rip all my life away
oh my gosh i can't believe you're so productive well i just spend an hour on social media scrolling
it's so simple some of this we already know but the reason you're scrolling
is your mindset is broken