Are You Living The Life You've Been Programmed? | Bruce Lipton
'Breaking Free from Programming to Live Your Dream Life'. Learn how much of our lives are influenced by subconscious programming and how it can either help or hinder our goals. 🧠💫 Find out why hard work alone isn't always enough and how understanding and reprogramming your subconscious can align you with your true desires. Watch now and start the journey towards a life you choose, not one you're programmed to live! #SelfDiscovery #MindProgramming #LifeGoals #SubconsciousMind
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2024-04-15 02:19:19

are you living in life you want or are you living the life you've been programmed an answer unfortunately as most of us are living a life we've been programmed and the programming comes from other people so it's not our life well what are your programs that essentially control your life and answers i have no idea what those programs are
it is established that only five percent of the time are we using the conscious creative mind to run our life
ninety five percent of the time is coming from the program so here's a simple insight
the things that come into your life that you like they come into your life because you have a program to accept that but those things that we want and we work hard and we sweat over and put a lot of effort i want to make it i'm gonna make this happen i'm working on i'm working real hard while you're working so hard and the answer is not because universal give it to you
is because unconsciously your program does not support that destination
and you're trying to override it with extra work and effort so then life becomes a job more or less trying to get those things you want when your program unconsciously sanitising