Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving. The present moment is all that there ever is, and remember that every moment you are attracting “future experiences” based on the state you are in NOW. Be grateful NOW for the little things in THIS MOMENT.


#eckharttolle #gratitude #grateful #thankful #mindset #motivation #manifestation #appreciation #love #lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawofassumption #spirituality #spiritualawakening
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2024-04-15 00:12:42

i'm more grateful you are for what is
the more things will come to you if your honor this moment what is this moment
than the future of the so-called future which never comes except as the present moment will reflect that
to be grateful means
an appreciation
and alignment with what is if you're only grateful when you compare yourself to others who have less that's not real gratitude more puzzling is gratitude for whatever is this moment
the little things of this moment