[SHARE↗️] people did it without IG. TAG 2 FRIENDS THAT NEED TO HEAR THIS 👇👇
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2024-04-10 01:54:10

so people were multimillionaires and network marketing was out instagram my friend john was saying before the only way to show them the business at these little black v h s tapes they have to stick them in this little book and those tapes are the opportunity of meeting video you've got to give them a tape to watch the video he has to be so careful am i going to give my tape to they have to give the tape to somebody and the next morning take the tape but that's how people can prospect to baghdad and you've got an instagram linkedin
facebook snapchat with a million dms and you can't find in leads you guys don't reach out to one hundred people they just quit the business ukraine your own stress if you're not gonna do it let somebody else wants to do it