Are you allowing your spirit to become vulnerable?

When the sin knocks on your subconscious mind are you welcoming it in with open arms, or are you being strong and not claiming those thoughts?

It’s not you, those aren’t your thoughts.

The sooner you realize it’s bigger than us. That the battle is actually a spiritual battle that takes place in your mind is the beginning of the good fight.

We need to build you up! Spiritually and physically to be the solid person of God everyone around you needs. They need you to lead because no one one else can do it for it them.

DM me now for Spiritual Mindset Training
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2024-04-10 23:09:57

when we fall when we send
look back recognise the thoughts that lead to unfair
recognise where they began
recognise them
as the infants that must be crushed
before they get some deeply rooted in us
they become passionate
was drive these evil thoughts away