You need a sense of urgency and energy.

The most successful people maintain a sense of urgency in order to be the best they can be.

(8 ideas to create a sense of urgency)

1.) Custom-build your own strategy for increasing a sense of urgency.

2.) Don’t exhibit panic, stress or loss of control.

3.) Make smart decisions with confidence and act on them quickly.

4.) Identify obstacles and remove them fast.

5.) Evangelize the importance of establishing a sense of urgency.

6.) Clarify the consequences of inaction.

7.) Identify what works & remove all that doesn’t.

8.) Identify causes of complacency and how to eradicate them.

#workhard #workoutmotivation #mentalhealthawareness #fitnessmotivation #project50
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2024-04-14 11:55:50

life is shorter than you think okay you're you're you're twenty five and you think well
i've got ten years to figure it all out i've got all these vistas of time i'm young i'm healthy etc you don't have nearly as much time as you think you do it goes very fast really so you need a sense of urgency and energy develop
a sense of urgency
get the reputation as the person who does things fast
develop a reputation for speed and dependability
and your future will just open up in front of you working fast working fast and sense of urgency back now do it now do it now do it now
somebody calls you up and has a question get back to them now
somebody has a problem get back to them now somebody needs something move on it quickly if you have to forgo coffee breaks or lunch or something else
move fast takes a little while but it's a habit most people just sort of shuffle through life
you know they get to it when they feel like it
but all the excellent people of all the high performers have a sense of urgency
and finally complete each job
that you start
get on with the job and stay with it till it's one hundred percent finished