“Creating a sense of urgency can be a powerful way to drive sales and boost your bottom line. By giving your customers a clear reason to act now, you can encourage them to make a purchase and take advantage of your offer before it’s too late. Whether it’s a limited-time promotion, a special discount, or a one-time deal, creating urgency can be the key to unlocking greater sales and success for your business. So don’t wait, create urgency and watch your sales spike!”

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2024-04-15 01:34:11

five reasons customers don't buy no money no time no need no urgency no trust everything falls into those categories
it's never about the money
it's never about price
have you ever bought something
that costs just a little bit more but you bought it from somebody you trust
right we've all done that
it's never about time show me the value i'll make the time tell me i need it
and that's not enough the key phrase here is urgency
to our job as salespeople is to create a sense of urgency
and sometimes the customer doesn't see it
does so focused on price
they don't see how bad they need it