Am I wrong?
46% kids aren’t out at 6 years
60% aren’t out at 4 yearsCost is out of control
Doesn’t ensure job
4-6 yrs lost income #l
Avatar of grantcardone


2024-04-09 08:08:30

again kudos
drop out of college
wait wait what year are you in
first my first year first year what would you what do you take
well i mean what does your dad say
my dad said
they'll do they'll go with whatever you say yeah
well i would tell you one hundred percent drop out of college
some of the wealthiest guys i know were dropouts
you know dropped out and got the game now if you're not gonna do anything if you'd like if you're not gonna improve them
value your life if you're not going to go work for somebody if you're not going to throw yourself into something where you can learn a skill
maybe you need to keep going to college until you figure out that you want to go to work but sooner or later bro you're going to work
so if i were you and i would tell my kids the same thing
do not go to college
you're going to be the president united states
begging out so daniel what are you going to do a job out of college i'm going to go for grandkid
scholars you serious you serious yes i'm serious i'm fully committed