We need to protect our borders.
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-04-11 07:40:15

shut the southern border down shut it down close it up immediately built a wall fill it up on additional security you want to hire eighty seven thousand new iris agent want to hire thirty thousand new border agents put them there protect the fucking place for one year
this is no longer a joke this is serious you're seeing what's going on there all the people that are fighting you're seeing examples of the way they're doing it protect the southern border because that's where they're coming through and then all of a sudden
people will say
yeah that's a little extreme
why would we do some like that because that's how you live
you have doors you have walsh
you live in a community where people have to ring the doorbell
to yoda eighty two yes yes so we're here uber eats i didn't order no overeat oh i'm sorry don't let him in why don't you let him in because it's your border it's called your apartment
it's called your house it's called your community
if you want a border in your partner in your house and your communities package you want a border
in the southern border of america