human can do all sorts of things
alright buddy not disagree with that
there are many jobs and their women's subs i mean i think we we all
i mean we're not saying that that doesn't exist right
i mean you're not we
are kind of thing
but it's just like if you pull up to a garage yeah and you've got to get like an alternator replaced and there's a woman mechanic
the majority of men and women are gonna look at that and be like hey man i'm all for you know women's rights i mean who isn't but i also want my car to run well
we're gonna discuss some of the most influential women who you think they are in sort of what gives them that influence
michelle obama you know um these these you know the michelle obama thing i ah she got it because she's slept with a man
ah my god
oh my
i think michelle obama is a fantastic great
lady in the white house if her husband having gotten
i've been very pretty very pretty
i'm getting
i don't know how much i can take them