Personally loving the multicultural identity she has and is discussing here!
Thanks for sharing @annjoa!
Miss Universe South Africa with Indian Descent #Repost #MissUniverse2023 #MissUniverse #misssouthafrica
Avatar of growingupguptas


2024-04-15 13:31:02

i am the first indian south african miss universe south africa since nineteen ninety seven
to more than twenty years ago
um my descent is of indian heritage both my parents are indian
my grandparents are indian
my entire lineage it is but
we've been living in south africa now for the last
five generations also i am south african
my father the indian culture
i were indian on my skin but i am south african
and i'm so proud to be standing in representing both cultures because i form part of a minority group which many women around the world on lot of and that is part of my journey of being at mosinee