@jeffbezos Choose a life today that you will be proud of tomorrow. 🎥 @amazonprime #jeffbezos
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2024-04-15 15:41:26

you can choose a life of ease and comfort or you can choose a life of service an adventure which one of those when you're ninety years old or you're going to be more proud of a young person should find something that they're passionate about to do that's not going to surprise anyone it's it's a clear thing to do it's very hard if you don't love your work you're never going to be great at it the other thing i would suggest to any young person even before they start their career is to really think about their choices when i was young i made this mistake too
you can get very fixed on your gifts so everybody has gifts you know you you have gifts and you have things that you didn't get gifted maybe you're extremely beautiful maybe you're extremely good at mathematics maybe you there are a lot of things that you can be given
but those things can confuse you because they're not the things that construct your life it's your choices
that construct your life