Follow me to make it make sense when it comes to digital marketing! 

Ok so you don’t have a product to sell. Most people have this same issue. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

Thats why you sell the course first as your first done for you digital product. The perk is you make 100% profit while finding yourself online.  

I started asking questions, watching others, searching and researching, and networking. Thats when I learned the most about myself and who I was online.  

You see, the thing about social media is you dont have to be an expert in anything. You just have to know how to create content and connection with people. 🫶 

Ready to learn high income skills by taking the best course on the market? Comment “ready” below and I will send it to you and provide mentorship for FREE inside my facebook group. Now get up and get the heck out of your comfort zone!! 
All the best,       
Lexa 🥂       
⭐️ Please note that this is not a gaurentee of income. I am in no way saying that you will make the same amount as I did. It is simply a tool to give you more information. ⭐️     
 👉Like, save, follow ⤵️⤵️⤵️                                                                                                            
💬 With any questions!!!                                               
#nursetoentrepreneur #digitalmarketingstrategy #doneforyoudigitalproducts #digitalmarketingforbeginners #monetizeyourpassion #brandyourself #worksmarternotharder #millionairemindset
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2024-04-15 15:26:25

alexa i don't have a product to sell what do i do
i'm telling you i get this question on the daily i've said it over and over but i'll say it again
this is why the roadmap courses so awesome because you can sell it as your first done for you digital product to make a one hundred percent profit not commissions beauty of it really is taking the knish off the table take all that off the table because can you imagine how exhausting that would be
to try to start with module one where you're trying to like learn about digital marketing and branding yourself and creating a logo and a business name and all that if you literally don't know what product you want to sell
to the point of this really is is to dig down deeper than the product and to learn the skills of digital marketing before picking a topic niche passion whatever
because you need to learn your business back office first if you have no idea what topic or niche to get into
you're probably thinking luck so what the hell is a business backoffice it's things like building a sales funnel
things like email marketing and email campaigns and how are they done what is stan e-store what is search engine optimization what are people looking for online what is the problem that i solve
in the beauty of it all is after you do all of this then you plug in play when you finally find your niche
because the course is meant to be used as a stepping stone into digital marketing
give me a follow if you wanna make it make sense when it comes to digital marketing