Imagination is everything. What you imagine, you will experience. The 3D reality we experience is simply a mirror of what we imagine to be true.

Speaker: @iamsteveharveytv

#lawofattraction #lawofassumption #manifestation #steveharvey #manifest #mindpower #powerofprayer #imaginationiseverything #universehasyourback #loa #thesecret
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2024-04-14 21:23:30

albert einstein said imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attractions so when you have something in your imagination it a hocus pocus is actually a preview of coming attractions that god has for you he places everything he has for you in your imagination everything in your imagination is god showing you in your mind something he has for you you can't tell it to everybody
you know why you can't tell everybody because you want to kill a big dream teller to small mandy pearse god has shown you some amazing stuff in your life
that you thought was brilliant did you took it to your franz franz in your family and you shared it with them and they shot it down you know what i shot it down because they couldn't see it you know why they can see it because god didn't show it to them he showed it to you