biggest hurdles why kids are typically
assess parents
the things that we teach them
the excuses that we make for them
because again if your son is a top five kid in the city and you put him on a team
right and the first weekend he didn't play well
what parents do
snatch js of the team
take them people uniforms and the shoes and go play on another team
that's funny that happened to me ow ow
ow ly i'm still looking for shoes
ten years ago
way our kids view adversity and the way they handle adversity comes from the emphasis that we place again on successes and failures because my son didn't play well today on a furry vanity yeah it can't always be the coach fault
he can't always be the teammates fault
and how you handled it when you get into cause on determine how he views from the journey because now every time he
you didn't play well if somebody else fought
and sometimes our key is just not ready for a moment
sometimes they just not good enough today
it doesn't mean they won't be good enough at the end
maybe you got to work on it maybe i'd put more time in
maybe got to play better when when when does this time begin in the game
okay so just just be mindful of that because
is nothing worse than a key at
that every time something goes wrong is some somebody else wrong
they never make it in that matter they started out number one and are great they they always flame out at the end
and oh to me it falls on on on parenting