india is the only country that has ever landed near the moon's south pole and that significant so let's put this in perspective here why is this landing so close to the moon's south pole so significant well so you may know that the farther away from the equator hugo
the lower the sun's arc is in the sky
so you're near the poles the sun just barely
ambles above the horizon okay when the moon is hit by asteroids and comets comments have water if water lands in those places the cold cold traps and the water never goes away well that's the key there the water so you're near water and that water is to be able transformed into fuel yes so you can drink water yeah but if you separate the hydrogen and the oxygen h tow
and bring them back together
it is rocket fuel and you know what the exhaust is
so it's it's pretty clean rocket fuel and that's the main engine of the space shuttle that big orange tank they use that's hydrogen and oxygen being merged together to create the thrust to put the puppy into orb wow