How do you gain six hours back in your day as a manager? who is the best VP of sales best VP of
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2024-04-15 00:39:03

took me way too long to figure out how to stop being busy as manager because the first thing you do is you just make one or two people as the experts in a certain topic so when someone asks you a question about actually go he knows a perfect person for that this person over here but just remind yourself to ask that person if they're getting too many questions because obviously this is not a revenue generating activity next you want to block off time but there's two rules to this one make it ninety minutes if you make it sixty minutes what you do when you see the blocked off time as you go to the bathroom you have a little food you come back he got twenty three minutes we go
i'll just write some emails and two you need to make sure that you set a rule for yourself that i can't lose these ninety minutes but i can move them so if you've a fire drill and a monday and you can't do ninety minutes monday you move into thursday or friday you still get that three hours
and finally most people are asking you questions because they don't want accountability for their actions or they lack competence to do what they want to do so for those people when they ask you what they should do
you say what do you think and whatever they say even if it's reasonably close you just go you've got that one hundred percent yes you know you always get these things right