What you need to know (ignoring is a BIG MISTAKE 👀) ⤵️ ⁠

Buyer behavior has massively changed over the last 10 years...⁠

Which means what USED to be “fail-proof” marketing methods, are no longer working. ⁠

Here’s what to do instead. ⁠

✅ Create Brand EXPERIENCES.⁠

More than 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on a desirable experience or event rather than buying something desirable.⁠

And you might not be able to throw a concert or in-person event… ⁠

But ask yourself how you can make your audience FEEL like they are a part of your brand? ⁠

How you can create a brand experience that involves your audience and makes them feel special?⁠

✅ Put Values FIRST.⁠

89% of customers are loyal to brands that share their values…

Being the cheapest or best is no longer the only positioning strategy.⁠

People want to buy from brands that share the same values as them. Simple as that.⁠

✅ Give your audience MORE TIME TO BUY.⁠

The old-school, direct-response mentality of “buy, die or unsubscribe” is DEAD ☠️ ⁠

Customers are savvier than ever and are taking longer to weigh options. ⁠

Sure, some people still buy within days...⁠

But many more people are taking months, or even YEARS, before they make their first purchase.⁠

We’re seeing longer sales cycles with a huge number of customers purchasing after 60 days. ⁠

So if you’re ignoring the slow burners in your business, you are making a BIG MISTAKE. ⁠

👉 Drop me some “🔥🔥🔥” below if this was helpful! ⏬⁠

Marketing Trends
Marketing in 2024
How marketing has changed
Marketers #3
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2024-04-14 18:26:48

used to work in marketing no longer does so here's what you should be focusing on instead number one create brand experiences so seventy eight percent of millennials say that they would rather spend their money on a desirable experience rather than a desirable thing and you might not offer experiences or live events with your business but how can you make your audience feel like they are a part of something bigger number to put values first so eighty nine percent of people say they actually buy from brands and businesses who share their values which is great news for you because it means being the cheapest or being the best or being the fastest is no longer the only positioning strategy and number three give your audience more time to buy that old school direct response mentality of buy dyer unsubscribe is completely dead the truth is customers are actually savvier than ever which means they're taking longer to weigh different options and make a purchasing decision so if you're ignoring the slow burners in your business you are making a big mistake