I can't believe I guessed his secret salary!

Just before uploading this one, I was bragging to my mum I guessed this guy's salary and she continued to not give a flying f.

So, here we are meeting a guy from Toronto in New York talking about his experience in the nuclear industry making $ 110,000 a year

#mechanicalengineer #newyork #nuclearindustry #USA #indiansincanada #indiansabroad #salaryscale
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2024-04-14 10:36:48

then new york and you're from toronto so what do you do for a living
i am working as an engineer
for the nuclear company so yes and how many years of work ex do have three years for now
okay if my guess are you making one ten thousand
canadian dollars that is correct or really
so right before the interview he said i'm not going to tell you how much money i make and i said i'm just gonna guess and you could just say up or low but yeah okay thanks for sharing
moving forward though what sort of education qualifications do you have i have done my masters in manufacturing and advisers and mechanical engineering okay so yeah what you're doing is something that you always wanted to do sort of
i mean not really no i am actually
i did start working with something that i wasn't looking towards while eventually i got my way into something that i was really interested in so yeah
quick question so do you find it challenging to advance in your career from the
position that you are at
i think wherever you want to go forward everything sell anything it really depends on how dedicated you are always working on that also yeah one last question so do you also see any particular domain
domain experience or any particular for certification that you might want to suggest to the viewers who want excel in your field
well all i'll say is just keep working on whatever you want to
go for and never develop and you guys got this
okay awesome