Steve Jobs, at Lund University in Sweden, talks about the upcoming rise of technology in the education space. He hopes for a world where the next Aristotle can displayed as an interactive intelligence from a computer.

Not only could you ask it questions, but it may answer back.

We are now seeing this in todays world, almost 40 years later. Unfortunately Steve isn’t around to see it.

View this full 16 minute video on my YouTube channel. (The link is in my bio)

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2024-04-14 07:36:24

my hope is that
in in
in our lifetimes
we can make a tool
of a new kind of an interactive time
when i look at the personal computer
ah where as you know living in the wake of the last revolution which which was a new source of free energy
and that was the free energy of petrochemicals
right and it completely transformed society and were products of this petrochemical revolution which were still living in the wake of today
we are now entering
another revolution of free energy
ah macintoshes you know uses less power than a few of those lightbulbs
and yet can save us a few hours a day or give us a whole new experience
and it's free intellectual energy
it's crude very crude
but it's getting more refined year after year after year and in our lifetimes it should get very refined
and so my hope is someday
when the next aristotle was alive
we can capture the underlying
of that aristotle
in a computer
and someday some student will be able to not only read the words aristotle wrote but ask aristotle a question
and get an answer