This is probably the most important money lesson I could ever teach….

Learn to live off of much less than you make. As you earn more money keep your expenses the same.

You can have all the nice things. But here’s the secret.. Buy them when you have zero stress over doing it. You will enjoy them 100X more.

#Money #Wealth #DreamLife
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2024-04-15 09:55:32

my life changed the day i got this lesson if you're taking notes listen to the podcasts you want to pause this
just listen to this over and over again the biggest mistake that people make with financial with their financial lives with
creating wealth
is as they make more money they simply start spending more money
to go on nicer vacations more often they get by night nicer clothes nicer car bigger house next thing you know they're
having the same amount of money in their bank account as they did when they were barely making any money they just have a little bit nicer life the key to creating financial wealth is learning to live on less than you make