yeah me
what about me what makes you think that i care about your opinion of meat we get your opinion to me is not opinion that i have myself
you ain't make me so you can't break me
you didn't build me so you can't kill me
you know god god established me so you know you
told me
i've been him
i've been a difference maker game changing
i've been that guy
so what would change not a darn thing i'm not even playing the game and you gotta be me i love it but i don't care
and i wish the world thought like that youngsters if you had there right now
do not give a dern what opinions people have of you long as that opinion is not consisted of that of you so that you be you
i'm not paying to
make you feel good about me already feel good about me honestly a message for yonks is
an old old-school not all foods