If my nail didn’t almost break I WOULD HAVE HAD IT 😤 #couplegoals #relationships #couples #married #husband #wife
Avatar of meghanandjack


2024-04-14 20:58:27

well you know what they say if you want something said eskimo man if you want something done ask a woman and i asked jack to help me take apart the bed and he's not i'm just gonna do it myself
excuse me but
normally you got people to say something yes we thirty six yes we thirty seconds ago
i used to face you're just making a scene when you do it
if all you're going to make it to see my i'm getting it done
i'm getting stuff that is not the truth
that does not have to all i do yes always just talking right there and he's just sitting there talking musil hey invested
know she'll sit in sport more action this is what you're doing a great job yeah
meanwhile while you just sit there you yappy little mouth
yes yeah
did you help women
with all the hard work around here yeah
you got it
my nails gonna break
well and that's what a man comes into play
oh that's when a man comes into play right there when a weak
female specimen tell from a man
like but i like the
i don't like the widow
oh my god
man's work right there