⚡️CHANGE happens when YOU decide to CHANGE the way YOU THINK the way YOU ACT, and the way YOU FEEL. YOU must BECOME the person you desire to be NOW.⚡️


#joedispenza #drjoedispenza #mindset #motivation #manifestation #2024 #lawofattraction #lawofvibration #lawofassumption #spirituality #spiritualawakening #vibrateandcreate
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2024-04-14 10:56:53

most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work you literally have to become someone else if you keep thinking the same thoughts keep demonstrating the same behaviors keep living by the same feelings and emotions
your personal reality is going to stay exactly the same
what if you have new thoughts that lead to new choices that demonstrate new actions that create new experiences that cause you to feel differently you will begin to walk into a new future