Hey, I dramatized things a little for this video. It’s sometimes OK to say, “Can I have your number?”

But it’s ALWAYS better to share a plan when you ask for a girl’s number. It gives her a REASON to say yes!

You may have heard of reason-respecting bias before. The great Charlie Munger (RIP) talked a lot about it as a fundamental of human psychology. Put simply, people are more likely to agree to a request you make of them when you couple it with a reason.

Looking at this case, “Can I get your number?” feels a lot less random when you’re also sharing the context, “I’d love to take you on a date” — plus it makes you sound more confident, which is something all women love!

Follow @datingbyblaine for more dating wisdom 🧠

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2024-04-14 17:12:54

if you want a girl's number
don't say this can i ever number or even worse
can i get your insert snapchat these lines don't project confidence or maturity say these exact words i'd like to take you out on a date
let's exchange numbers