AI and e-commerce. Become an artist and sell custom items with print-on-demand. Learn how to transform art into unique styles using an AI tool and sell effortlessly on Etsy via Printify. No inventory, no hassle - just pure creativity and automated sales.

Original art examples:


On pinterest you can find two sorts of art; a “texture background” and an “illustration of a subject”. You can use to remove the background of your subject illustration and overlay it over the texture, and let freepik pikaso change the art into a new style, copyright free. The options are endless. Combine a prompt, the image you upload and the imagination slider to create cool new images and export a 4K quality image.

In you can pick an item you would like to print your art over. There are hundreds of print on demant items available and setting up your art over the items is very easy to do.

To connect etsy to printify make sure you are logged into your Etsy account, then go to the “My stores” section on Printify, click “Add new store,” and select Etsy. On the connection page, click “Allow access.”

Now, when a customer buys a product you have created, printify will fulfill the order and ship it to the customer without you doing anything. @printify
Avatar of nomadatoast


2024-04-14 17:31:38

created a whole ai business to you by ethically stealing other people's art and with this ai to modify the art into other beautiful styles to sell products on autopilot directly to the customer
zero-cost no inventory manager take it or leave it here in three steps
first go to vigorous and find some illustration of subjects this series here is so cool so let's go upload those into this ai tool that will modify the art into a new style by combining a prom with the imagination slider here i let the name of the stool in the description below say
go to prettify dot com and pick your items of choice sir you can now sell your custom items on autopilot by connecting prettify with etsy so everytime someone buys your creation printf fulfills the order and ships it directly to your customer easy
read the description below for the full explanation on the steps