first day i haven't had my laptop when
i'm training in the gym between sets it's
about my work all the time
i've always under i think i've always understood that
you can outwork
if you cannot you can truly
a lot of things by yourself as well you can outwork a lot of negative emotions outward a lot of problems in your mind
you can
look up a plane defies gravity speed
as all it doesn't if a plane stops moving forward what happened to mold down so you can do the same thing to yourself and your mentality and
and your problems and
everyone else around you can outwork everybody it's hard
to get
it's it starts off harder
it's hard to find a way to make money work all the time deal with all the bullshit and be at the bottom of whatever industry you're in and not have any reputation whatever but if are to say to all of you right now for every minute body spawn
i guarantee to sit out the next bar
everyone would be alright
so like once you get to the point like my position where i know if i put the time and i'm going to win
but how can i stop now