[SHARE↗️] you’ll be PAID one day for what you weren’t paid for in the past. TAG 2 FRIENDS THAT NEED TO HEAR THIS 👇
Avatar of danielg


2024-04-14 22:43:43

he's one of my sales guys he's like dude how much you charge for that call that zouk call that you just did i said x y z thousands and he said this that was the easiest x y z thousands that you just made men that was one call and i said whoa whoa whoa stop you didn't say in twenty seventeen twenty eighteen twenty nineteen daniel that was the easiest x y z free can events that you just did for three years that must have been so easy so why didn't you just say that i said in life one day you will completely be heavily
paid one day for all this that you were never paid for in the past
it said one day you will get paid a lot of money for the shit that you are dunning for that you weren't paid for in the past the actions you weren't paid for in the past because that's business business transaction i do this i get that that's not sale sales you put in a lot of work one day you're just making a lot of money because relationships now mean a lot more