i want to play too
you heard what she said
get lost
while working tomorrow yeah it's one step
i'll say
why is your dad with the gimp
i don't know
but i gotta go
i'll see you guys tomorrow
what are you doing wait inside the car
we picked up your take your birthday
who even got
oh oh
i'm so sorry
i didn't mean to
i just lost my balance this is all your fault if you didn't have that stupid none of this would have happened hey kelsey it's ok alright it was just an accident he didn't mean i don't care
why did you have to transfer him to my school huh
i don't want anyone to know he's my brother it's embarrassing i wish i have a normal sibling
kelsey i can't believe that you would say something like that to him you need to apologize right now
well it's true
i mean why does he have that weird limp anyway
what's wrong