Comment "Brand" For my Entire Asset Pack ⬇️
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2024-04-14 21:52:19
i don't care how good your content is you're still missing this one thing this is the same secret sauce that people like devin johto amen ghazi ali abduhl eddie cumberbatch they're all using it to crush the content game right now it's called the signature style and instead of copying someone else's and blending in with everyone else on this platform here's how to make your own you're going to need five things number one brand thoughts i use trip sans from my captions agra india grand from my titles and mom's typewriter for some alt titles number two
and here's how we're going to steal it together with ai just find your voice maybe have a couple catchphrases or an outtake all of these assets put them in a folder uploaded to drive and send it off to your editor if you want to copy mine common brand and i'll send you a complete folder with all the brand assets but i used for my videos
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