no matter how strong i am or independence financially
outside the house on a boss lady but at home i'm just a girl
you know and i'm a woman in the end i do need protection no matter how strong i am i don't need protection
i am vulnerable
and i don't deny the fact that there are things that men do
that women can't and things women can do men can't we don't compete we complete each other
we're like yin yang you know no matter what no matter how strong how independent how how much of a boss lady i am once i'm home
i don't want to be all of that i wanna hang that coat outside the door i want to be vulnerable i wanna depend on him i want to be queued i wanna you know like i want someone to you know take care of me in like
just make my day a bit easier someone i can sit and talk to someone i can open up to someone i can ask for advice and all that so
i don't believe that you've got to be a boss
lady inside and outside the house
you've gotta give the man space so he can practice his alpha behavior