Develop a sense of urgency 🗣💯 brian Tracy #MoisFearless
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2024-04-08 03:37:18

alpha sense of urgency get the reputation as the person who does things fast
develop a reputation for speed and dependability and your future will just open up in front of you
imagine if you own a company
and you had two people in the company
and both of them were reasonably well talented both of them were doing reasonably well except one person had a sense of urgency and did things fast and every time you give them something to do they took them they ran with it like a
ball player catching a fumble and running for the goal and the other person got to it after lunch or
maybe next monday or
no rush week's almost over thursday afternoon so on
which one would you give additional responsibility to which one would you promote which one would you spend money training which one would you send to places where you needed help
it's always the person with a sense of urgency i can tell you this
that the sense of urgency for me has been worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as a consultant
i have been able to save my client sometimes millions of dollars by acting fast when they've given me a project to take care of
whereas if i had acted even a day later it could have cost
a fortune
and if you'll develop that habit of working fast working fast that sense of urgency and back now do it now do it now do it now
in selling especially
somebody calls you up and has a question get back to them now
somebody has a problem get back to them now somebody needs something move on it quickly if you have to forgo coffee breaks or lunch or something else
move fast if you develop that reputation for speed it will be worth a fortune too